jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020


Tried and tested!

SUM SWAMP is a fun and colourful boardgame designed to help children with adding and subtracting problems promoting their interest for mental calculation and the development of number skills. The rules can be modified to suit the students’ ability or age. It comes with 3 di (two with numbers and one with +/-) and 4 fun swamp figures. The game is fast and easy to learn which helps to stop kids from getting bored to soon.

SUM SWAMP es un juego de mesa divertido y muy colorido, diseñado para ayudar a los niños con las sumas y restas promoviendo su interés por el cálculo mental y su desarrollo en las habilidades numéricas. Viene equipado con tres dados (dos con números y uno con los operadores +/-) y cuatro graciosas figuras del pantano. El juego es rápido y fácil de aprender, lo que ayuda a evitar que los niños se aburran.

Fuente: topjuegosdemesa.es
Recuperado: 09/05/2020

Card Games. A fun way to teach math.

An interesting way of unconsciously teaching kids math is by playing cards. You don’t need to be a professional casino poker player to show them the ins and outs of card games. You only need lots of patience (both on your part and on theirs) and the know how! These types of games are perfect for 2-7 players so they can easily be adapted for home or classroom use. It’s a perfect way of including children who have learning difficulties with mathematics in the everyday functions of the classroom.

Una manera muy interesante de enseñar a los niños matemáticas, sin que se den cuenta de que están aprendiendo, es usando juegos de cartas. No hace falta ser un jugador de casino profesional para enseñarles, solo necesitas un poco de paciencia y conocimiento. Este tipo de juegos son perfectos para los niños de 2-7 años y pueden ser adaptados para usarlos tanto en casa como en el aula. Es una manera perfecta para incluir a los niños que tienen dificultades con las matemáticas en las funciones diarias del aula.

DOWNLOAD                             DOWNLOAD

Fuente: Boston College
Recuperado: 09/05/2020

Maths Activities for all the family to join in on!

Due to the current situation I think it’s a great time to take advantage of those LONG evenings together in family. What better way of filling in your days, keeping the kids entertained, Mammy and Daddy sane and making the best of a bad situation.
From personal experience, children with learning difficulties, especially maths, need to be inspired to achieve full participation when it comes to learning maths. Putting into use mathematical logic with entertaining ideas while cooking, washing up after dinner, organised card games or even loading the washing machine can be seen as opportunities to apply maths.

How? Here are some of the ideas which we’ve put into practise.

DOWNLOAD                             DOWNLOAD

Fuente: dreme.stanford.edu
Recuperado: 09/05/2020

How to spark an interest in math using books.

From my personal point of view, books are an essential tool for learning everything and anything! From how the solar system works, to how people dress in other countries, the lifecycle of a plant, what animals live under the sea to learning different languages or just for the fun of reading. If, from a young age, you can awaken their curiosity through the magic of books you have given that child one of the best instruments they can use in their learning experiences, which will last throughout their life.
So why not use books to teach kids maths. They don’t have to go out and buy expensive books published by neurologists, any book can be used for counting, adding subtracting or even sharing (dividing)!

40 Children’s Books That Foster a Love of Math is a webpage that is dedicated to using books to help understand math. It uses some of my favourite writer such as Eric Carle and Mara Rockliff.

Fuentes: http:mararockliff.com & dreme.stanford.edu
Recuperado: 09/05/2020

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

Teaching Math Without Words, A Visual Approach to Learning Math.

Matthew Peterson, CEO of MIND Research Institute, explains at a TEDx Orange Coast why a lot of children might have difficulties understanding maths because of language barriers or wording used to teach maths. He himself struggled with Dyslexia and inspired by Albert Einstein, asked the question "Can we teach math without words?"

The object of ST Math is to get a small, but very cute, penguin across the screen by using visula-logic and reasoning abilities, helping students to build deep conceptual understanding. I have left a link below so that you can have a little taste of what it`s about and see if you like the ideas and methods. Give it a try! It's fun!

Fuente: stmath.com
Recuperado: 09/05/2020

Smartick App.

A different way to look at Maths!

Smartick is a new method of learning maths for kids. 15 minutes daily is enough to enhance your child’s perception of maths. There's no need for help or guidance by parents, Smartick does everything necessary for children of all ages to grasp mathematical concepts through visual learning. Therefore, not only is it for kids aged between 4-14 years old, but also for kids who have learning difficulties or just find it hard to understand mathematical language.

Smart es un nuevo método para que los niños aprenden matemáticas. 15 minutos al día son suficientes para mejorar la percepción matemática de su hijo. Smartick hace todo lo necesario para que niños y niñas, de todas las edades, comprendan conceptos matemáticos a través del aprendizaje visual. Por lo tanto, no es solamente para niños de entre 4 y 14 años, sino también, para aquellos que tengan dificultades de aprendizaje o simplemente encuentran el lenguaje matemático difícil de entender.

Fuente: smartick.es
Recuperado: 09/05/2020